Sunday 18 September 2011

Quick Update on Life

I have to start this post with the most exciting news in a little while ... I'm going to be an AUNTY! Yes, my dear little sis is preggie and the new addition to our family will be arriving in April (I told you Kate had something up her sleeve). I have decided that I need a super uber cool auntie name: thinking Auntie Loo Loo (second part of my name Tracey-LOUISE) - but it is a work in progress. Any suggestions welcome. I am rather glad that Kate has decided to contribute to the world's population first - I have a mild phobia of babies (I feel I'd drop it or paint it or try eat it by mistake) and so I wouldn't mind giving hers' a test run before I make up my mind on having one... looking after it I mean, not painting or eating it!

Hmmmm- so, 6 weeks of being sick and I have finally hauled myself off to the doctor and am on the mend - Yey. I will possibly even be able to go back to my ballet class that I have been missing intensely.

I created a number of posts in my time "off"- but I have decided not to publish them as, on review, most of them are lamenting my illness and describing in detail each symptom. In the interests of keeping my readership growing I will definitely not publish the one written on the benefits of taking the 'all natural' garlic/herbal immune booster I chose to take ... mainly because the only benefit I found in taking it was that you can clear a room (from both ends) in under 20 sec.s; garlic aroma intact!

I found a rather fun idea on pinterest and have included it below instead of writing a loooong post today (which also may in part be attributed to laziness).

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